Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Objectively cuter than other children

Originally uploaded by rob helpychalk.

It took us a while to realize this, because it goes against common sense. Normally parents think their child is cute because they are her parents. But after a while, it just became clear to us that Caroline is objectively cuter than other children. Indeed, by any rational standard of toddler cuteness, she may be the cutest toddler in the history of the species, if not the genus. Molly and I have begun to discuss how this might affect her development as a person.

Well, this is a cute picture from the pre-toddler days.

added: I'm not trying to brag, or run down others' kids. I just am trying to state a simple fact, like the fact that gravity obeys an inverse square law. Objects close to the earth accelerate at 9.8 meters per second per second, and Caroline is the cutest creature in the hominid line.

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