Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fun Spam

Header: New york naked-eared

Body: elizabeth was forced to give into a little falsehood here; for to acknowledge the substance of"the person of whom i speak is a gentleman, and a stranger."

The body is a mash up of a couple lines from Pride and Prejudice. The intended payload of the spam--presumably some obscene jpegs, were stripped away by the spam filter.


velo said...

i;ve been getting wierd messages which are also broken lines from "pride and predjudice" i have gotten four so far, each from a different email. 3 of the four emails use similar letters so i know it's the same person. the first one i got was addressed to someone else, and i guess i was on the blind copy list... do you know anything about this?

velo said...

yes! i'm realizing your spam must be from the same person too b/c i see that you've done the same thing i did... i posted my emails in my livejournal. see:
and the subject lines give it away.. no?

what do you think?

thanks. sara