Monday, April 03, 2006

Some of this weekend's conversations

Conversation 1

Caroline is at my office, and has started fussing with a stack of ungraded papers.

Me: Caroline, don't play with those. They aren't toys.

Caroline: Then why did you put them where I can reach them? If they aren't toys, then you shouldn't put them where I can reach them.

Me: umm...

Caroline: Here, I will put them where I can't reach them.

Me: What? That's not possible. Let me take those.

Caroline [trying to carry a stack of papers accross the room, dropping several]: No it's ok. I'm just going to put them where I can't reach them.

Me: No, that doesn't work. If you can reach there to put them there, you can also reach them to take them down. [takes papers]

Conversation 2

Caroline: Daddy, is a cat an animal?

Me: Yes.

Caroline: Can we get one?

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