Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Itunes complaint post

I rarely try to use itunes, but whenever I do, something doesn't work. Last time this happened, I had decided at the last minute that I wanted to use some audio for a class. Both my office computer and the classroom computer were "authorized" for my itunes account. I downloaded the audio. But I couldn't burn a CD or play the file from the classroom computer, even though these are supposedly possible with Apple's DRM system. This time I want to make a mix cd of the songs I promised to Karaoke as a part of the fundraiser for the biology club. The first several songs I look for are unavailable, and the program keeps hanging.

I used to think these problems were products of my ignorance, but now I am blaming Apple. The software keeps hanging. Images sometimes display and sometimes don't. For some reason, it makes me sign a EULA every time I open it. Fuck them. People are going to keep stealing music as long as getting it legally is such a goddamn pain.

Update: Rhapsody is also designed by people who hate customers. Installation brings these messages: "DRM install failed" "You must have Media Player 10! Why don't you have media player 10?!" (I do have Media Player 10.) "You will not be able to download music until you complete this install procedure that always makes your computer hang."


Chris said...

"Just works" my ass. iTunes is the new RealPlayer. Once again, a triumph of bloatware over function. Nobody can have a good idea in this business without wanting to own your whole computer.

Rob Helpy-Chalk said...

Nobody can have a good idea in this business without wanting to own your whole computer.

That's the real problem. Grrr.

oudemia said...

Hmm . . . I've never had a problem with iTunes, but then, Apple does own my whole computer.

Is there a Windows version of Amarok? I'm incredibly jealous of this program that Colin runs (Linux). By far the best music player I've ever seen. It apparently could be (re)compiled for my Mac, but it would take like 24 hrs or something insane.

In any event, Amarok rules.

Rob Helpy-Chalk said...

Looks like no Windows version of Amarok is in the works.

Rob Helpy-Chalk said...

except for the fact that the post I linked to is dated 2005.

Steven Horwitz said...

iTunes user here. Also a PC user. Never had a moment's trouble with iTunes on either my home PC or my office PC. It's bloaty, but it works fine for me, including burning CDs. In fact, it's the easiest software I own for burning them.

EddieB317 said...

Well, I just had a long chat with an itunes rep, and he told me that my new ipod is useless for playing music with out their crappy software. I dont want to use their software, i just want to use the device! Its funny how no other device manufacturer makes you use their software just to load content onto the device.

Overly user friendly products are the downfall of intelligence. Mac and ipod/ ianything is designed and created for people like my grandma. (panifully great marketing though.)

I grew up with a computer, I do not need mac to hold my hand. I have my own brain.

Anonymous said...

When a PC starts acting wonky like that, I start to worry about adware, malware, etc, etc. Sony manufactured some CDs a year or two ago that loaded some pretty pernicious shit onto your PC.

My last experience with malware was bad enough (and the computer was old enough) that (after fiddling for days to get the important data out) we left it on the curb, and replaced it with a Mac. The former PC user has not yet (at any time since we did the swap, a year or so) reported any regrets.

Edward, you're just whining. If you care to, you can boot Linux on your iPod. I've done it my very own self. If you are any sort of a hacker at all, you can find all your music files, and copy them onto another box. And further, iTunes and the iPod are perfectly happy to let you use completely interchangeable, non-DRM'd MP3's. I find that I am mostly happy with iTunes (at least on a Mac) and iPod, though I buy very little music from Apple's store. No idea how it all works on a PC, because I've got better things to do with my time than that.

Matt BK said...

If Steve Jobs follows through on his promise to lead the music industry into getting rid of expensive and upointless DRM, the world will be a better place.

Anonymous said...

I did not install iTunes nor did anyone else. somehow this VIRUS found its' way onto my computer. And I can't uninstall it without installing it AGAIN and then uninstalling IT.

Anonymous said...

iTunes is one of the worst products known to man. It never does what you want it to do, it automatically deletes your library, it wastes many hours of your time and its the one thing that will kill iPod's. I already regret buying my iPod, its been nothing but heartache. Apple, youve got no f*cking idea, this piece of software is the worst piece of shit ive every used. It will be your downfall.