Monday, March 28, 2005

More On TBOC

Steve Horwitz posted this in the comments section, but I thought it deserved wider exposure

Let it be known that this member of the "administration" finds the blocking of the blog to be ethically objectionable on exactly the grounds you name, and that this member of the administration also thinks the university's choice to go after the blog by a lawsuit was also a misguided idea.

As for administrators being targets - yup, we're adults and we're supposed to be able to take it. They can hammer my Rush page all they want. After all, the Dean hammered it in a very public way at Convocation 18 months ago, and did so with much more class and humor than those guys could muster.

No one should be surprised that Steve is not siding with the president on this one: He's a libertarian, and libertarians are right about half the time.

I'm also glad he doesn't mind if you make fun of his Rush page. More people should. The problem is the Dean already has done the funniest thing possible to make fun of it. He simply read some from the page and played a Rush song at a public event.

On the other hand, I found out that the nice lady at the coffee shop who keeps me cafinated is the Carla TBOC like to make fun of. Come on guys, why do you want to make the nice coffee shop lady cry?

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