Monday, April 04, 2005

Slow leak spending

So this morning I decided to see how long I could go without spending any money. I've long known that most of my profligacy comes from slow-leak kind of spending, the sort of thing where I say "I'm bored with work. I think I will duck across the street and get a muffin." So I leave for the office this morning with a sandwich in a Tupperware and a thermos full of coffee and no reason to go across the street to buy anything. But I ate the sandwich and drank the coffee. And I'm still hungry.

So I'm thinking...well, if I went across the street and bought trail mix, that would be eating well, which would be kind of virtuous. So maybe...

Well, I wanted to know how long I could go without spending money. If I buy trail mix, the answer will be "four hours." Healthy or not, it is still pathetic.

I wonder if there is some event on campus with free food.

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